

Fluorite Flotation Process Production Line

Solution  2019-10-16    admin



Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF2. It belongs to the halide minerals. ... The purest grades of fluorite are a source of fluoride for hydrofluoric acid manufacture, which is the intermediate source of most fluorine-containing fine chemicals.


In some areas, fluorite rich veins may be weathered to depths of as much as 75 m. Such weathered ore, a mixture of clay and fragments of fluorite and detached wall rock, may be mined open pit with draglines, scrapers, or power shovels to depths of as much as 50 m.


Processing methods of fluorite ore are gravity separation and flotation. Mineral processing equipment includes gravity separation equipment and flotation equipment; gravity separation equipment: jigging machine, only jigging machine can deal with the coarse fluorite ore. Fluorite flotation equipment is similar with other mineral flotation equipment including crusher, ball mill, flotation machine etc.



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